This is cool (note like older locker made with batch command)and useful folder locker with colorful interface.This program is made by using batch command ,this is lite and easier way to hide your private data (not highly confidential) .No need to install just write down the code save it with .bat and your folder locker is ready . This one is not like you will find on internet ,it is easy to use ,command and options are different.
So follow below steps to make your own folder locker.
1. Open Notepad and Copy code given below into it.
@Echo off
Title %~n0
Mode 40,10
for /F "delims=." %%a in ('"prompt $H. & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do set "BS=%%a"
If not exist Locker Md Locker
If not exist "Locker.Lock" (
Goto :Create_Pass
) Else (
Goto :Main
Set /P LockPass=Create a password:
Echo A>Locker.Lock
Echo Unlocked>>Locker.Lock
Echo %LockPass%>>Locker.Lock
Call :Collect_Info
Call :Color 07 "Status -" 0
Call :Color 0%L_or_UL% " %L_or_UL2%" 1
Call :Color 79 "1) Lock" 1
Call :Color 79 "2) Unlock" 1
Set AccessLock=
Set /P Choice=Choice:
If "%Choice%"=="1" Goto :Lock
If "%Choice%"=="2" Goto :Unlock
Echo.& Echo Incorrect Choice & Pause > Nul & Goto :Main
Set /P AccessLock=Password:
If %AccessLock% Neq %LockPass% (
Echo.& Echo Incorrect Password
Pause > nul
Goto :Main
) Else (
Del /f /q Locker.Lock
Echo D>Locker.Lock
Echo Locked>>Locker.Lock
Echo %LockPass%>>Locker.Lock
Attrib +H +S Locker
Goto :Main
Set /P AccessLock=Password:
If %AccessLock% Neq %LockPass% (
Echo.& Echo Incorrect Password
Pause > nul
Goto :Main
) Else (
Del /f /q Locker.Lock
Echo A>Locker.Lock
Echo Unlocked>>Locker.Lock
Echo %LockPass%>>Locker.Lock
Attrib -H -S Locker
Goto :Main
< Locker.Lock (
Set /P L_or_UL=
Set /P L_or_UL2=
Set /P LockPass=
Goto :Eof
Set nL=%3
If not defined nL Echo Requires third argument & Pause > nul & Goto :Eof
If %3 == 0 (
<nul set /p ".=%BS%">"%~2" & Findstr /V /A:%1 /R "^$" "%~2" nul & Del "%~2" > nul 2>&1
Goto :Eof
) Else If %3 == 1 (
Echo %BS%>"%~2" & Findstr /V /A:%1 /R "^$" "%~2" nul & Del "%~2" > nul 2>&1
Goto :Eof
2. Save the notepad file with any name with .bat as suffix as i am using locker.bat)
3. Now double click on locker.bat and create your password
4. Copy all your data you want to protect in that folder
5. Now double click on lock.bat and when command prom appear then enter your choice with your password
6. Thats it,now the folder will hide until you unlock it from the program even you enable option to show hidden folder.
So we have successfully made our folder locker program but a question came in mind... is it secure? Ans is yes but you just have to do some few steps to make it more secure. As you may know that we can (or anyone, except noobs) find the password by reading or opening the lock file (.lock) with any text editor (specially notead++) so here are some tips below you can do to make it more secure.
1. Hide the locker.lock file or move it to your pen drive (hide it there also)so whenever you want to access the folder move it again to your folder directory and unlock your file (you cant access your folder without this "locker.lock"file)
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